Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, it is Monday again, so let me tell you all the things I DID NOT do this past week!

As you may have read, I certainly DID NOT lose my mind and host a playdate with 19 people in my house. No, because it would be silly to have that many people just occupying my small main floor, so certainly NOT ME! I also DID NOT forget that it was Ash Wednesday and make a lunch of pasta with meat sauce for my mainly Catholic guests. Nope, NOT ME! And during this same playdate I DID NOT laugh at my son when he poured a bowl of popcorn on his head. NOT ME!

On Friday, in the midst of a bad day I DID NOT make a batch of Rice Krispies Treats and eat the hot mix before it even got in the pan. NOT ME!

And over the weekend while out shopping I definitely DID NOT buy myself a pair of jeans while I was supposed to be buying khakis for my kids. Nope, again- NOT ME! I would definitely make sure my kids were properly clothed before spending money on myself.

Also, I really DID NOT have trouble sleeping last night because of the excitement of the snow storm hitting our area. And I definitely DID NOT wake up in the middle of the night to check how much we got, and absolutely DID NOT run to the window first thing this morning to see how much snow we got. NOT ME!

6 Responses
  1. Ahh, warm rice krispie mix. yummy!
    19 people! You are amazing!!

  2. Aimee' Says:

    Yummy! Warm rice krispies!!! =) Thanks for the comment and the tip on where to find my cupcake pan!

  3. Dani Says:

    How much snow did you get? We didn't get much, though before I went to bed last night, they forcast 6-12 inches! I think we got MAYBE an inch. You could see the grass through the snow.

  4. Lisa Noel Says:

    lol at the pasta thing, I would totaly do the same thing. It would occur to me to not serve say burgers but I wouldn't think about it until much too late about the sauce! I usually use meat flavored sauce. Think that counts? HMMM never really thought about what it is "flavored" with.
    however I think you're nut about the snow. i'm sooo tired of snow, when i go to the window its to see how much of the dreaded nastiness i'll have to drive through!

  5. Beth E. Says:

    Hot Rice Krispies Treats...yummo! LOL

    These are great NM's. Too funny about the pasta...that sounds like something I would do! much snow DID you get?

    Have a great week!
    Beth :o)

  6. Christy Says:

    Hey, I've stumbled on your blog and wanted to ask you how you made your name signature. I have been trying to figure it out for a little bit but my patience isn't there. haha. Thanks!