And another month gone by! Erik is five months old now, and I find myself falling in love with him more and more as each day passes! In this past month Erik has discovered his piggy toes and he loves to grab and play with them. I can't wait until he can get them to his mouth- it always cracks me up to see babies chewing on their toes.

Erik is still just rolling from his belly to his back. He tries to go from his back to his belly (and he has twice, but only when he was propped on a pillow) but hasn't quite got it yet. I'm sure he will soon, and then he'll be rolling all over the place! He is able to sit up pretty well for a few seconds, but he sits in the 'tri-pod' position a lot. I'm sure in the next month he'll be sitting all on his own!

Let's see, Erik loves to give kisses, and if you're just out of reach he'll lean and grab your face to pull you in to lay a wet one on your cheek. He's definitely a smily, happy baby, and you can see that he adores his brother! We've also given him the nickname of Thumper. When he wakes up in his crib you rarely hear him cry, but you'll hear him coo, giggle, and THUMP! He raises both legs up above him and slams them down and makes this loud thumping noise that can be heard throughout the house.

So, that's one more month down. We're excited to see what the next month brings us!

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1 Response
  1. Emily Says:

    So precious! I just love it when they play with their toes too and there's nothing sweeter than those slimely wet baby kisses. I just wish time would slow down so I could enjoy it all a little longer!