Can I PLEASE stop time? We are creeping FAR too close to the one year mark, and I don't want my little man to turn one!

Ok, I suppose it won't be THAT horrible, but it does make me a tad bit sad!

So, this month has been full of new adventures. I have myself a climber. Erik climbs on E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Really, he is TOO smart. He moves boxes and books and anything else he can find so he can climb to where he shouldn't be. And on several occasions he has given mommy quite a scare! Of course, he just smiles and laughs as if it is no big deal!

He is not walking yet, but crawls faster than the speed of light (ok, maybe not THAT fast, but he is quick) and cruises all along the furniture with ease. He will stand alone and it looks as if he is contemplating taking a step, but at this point we have nothing.

Erik has a few words- Mama, Dada, and something that sounds like a cross between Baba and Bop. Often you just hear him babbling or squealing with delight. He is still very much a happy, laid-back guy.

Erik is also enjoying some new foods. He loves eating bits of fruit and veggies and also small ditalini pasta. I still laugh every time he takes a first bite of food though, because he makes a face as if it is the most disgusting thing ever, and then he proceeds to gobble it all up!

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For this week's NMM the focus is on the kids, and all they crazy things they have not done!

So (after you read all about my kids) head on over to MckMama's blog and check out what her MSC aren't up to, along with everyone elses kids!

On Friday, while eating dinner, Nicholas was NOT caught trying to blow raspberries/spit at the table, and in response to that he definitely did NOT try to explain it by saying, "But Daddy tells me if I have words stuck in my mouth to just spit it out!" Yes, I definitely did NOT get outwitted (yet, again) by my three year old.

And my darling eight month old Erik definitely did NOT pull out a box of books to climb upon in order to bang on my TV. That is something a much older TODDLER would do, not my LITTLE guy! And a few days later he most certainly did not push another box next to his toybox in order to use it to climb up on the toybox to get to Nicholas' toys on the windowsill that he isn't allowed to have! Nope, NOT Erik!


Such is my life as the mom of boys!






This picture (albiet a poor quality due to being scanned) is from October 30, 2004- the day Ken & I were married!

"A blue eyed boy meets a brown eyed girl, Oh the sweetest thing!"

MckLinky Blog Hop

Welcome to Not Me! Monday, the blog carnival created by McKMama where we can share all of the embarrasing things we have done! Head over to her blog where you can read about what everyone else has NOT done!
First, I most certainly DID NOT turn thirty yesterday. Nope, I simply celebrated the first anniversary of my twenty-ninth birthday. Yup, my mom and I are the same age!
I also did NOT let my eight month old eat half the sand on the beach when we went down the shore last weekend, which definitely did NOT result in me changing sandcastle filled diapers. I mean, what kind of mother would allow their child to eat fistfuls of sand? Not me!
And because I was heading to my parents' house in MD for the holiday weekend, I assure you I did NOT wait until 9:00 Friday morning to start packing, when in fact we were supposed to be leaving the house at 9:00. Nope, not me! I am far more prepared than that and would have had the bags packed the night before in preparation for the trip.

The day has arrived. I am officially- THIRTY!

Honestly, I know some of my friends we dreading the big 3-0. I wasn't. In fact, I was actually kinda looking forward to it. I survived another year, and I am grateful.

Today was a relaxing day. Hung out at my parents house with Mom & Dad, Ken, Nicholas, and Erik, and my cousin Jonathan who I haven't seen in six years. I got to take a nice nap, we played some dominoes, ate some good grub, and just had a good time. On Friday night I had gone out with some friends...had a REALLY good time, and we'll just leave it at that!

On Saturday is the big birthday extravaganza. My best friend and I will be having a girls only party to celebrate our birthdays. For the record...she's older than me by 4 days. I don't let her forget it! The party should be a great time!

Anyway- here's to my next thirty years! May they be even better than the first thirty!