Welcome to Not Me! Monday, the blog carnival created by McKMama where we can share all of the embarrasing things we have done! Head over to her blog where you can read about what everyone else has NOT done!
First, I most certainly DID NOT turn thirty yesterday. Nope, I simply celebrated the first anniversary of my twenty-ninth birthday. Yup, my mom and I are the same age!
I also did NOT let my eight month old eat half the sand on the beach when we went down the shore last weekend, which definitely did NOT result in me changing sandcastle filled diapers. I mean, what kind of mother would allow their child to eat fistfuls of sand? Not me!
And because I was heading to my parents' house in MD for the holiday weekend, I assure you I did NOT wait until 9:00 Friday morning to start packing, when in fact we were supposed to be leaving the house at 9:00. Nope, not me! I am far more prepared than that and would have had the bags packed the night before in preparation for the trip.

1 Response
  1. Emily Says:

    Happy Birthday! I've been thirty for almost 4 months now and have's not too bad! Good luck! lol