I chose my latest read because it was the sequel to my book #10- The Trophy Wives Club. I have to say, I did not enjoy this book as much as the first in the series. This book did not focus on the same main character as the original. Instead, Back to Life was told by two characters- Lindsey and Jane, both who had been married to the same man, Ron. Lindsey is Ron's widow, however, after his death his ex-wife Jane appears because she is in charge of his will. The story goes back and forth between Lindsey and Jane, their relationship with Ron, and the similaries and differences between the women.

To be honest, I was really a bit bored with the story overall. The book did have a stronger ending than the first in the series, but Back to Life moved slowly and was just lacking in excitement for me.

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1 Response
  1. Helene Says:

    Ugh, what a bummer!! I'm always disappointed when I love the first book, only to be completely let down by the sequel.