Now that Erik can move more I think Nicholas is enjoying having a little brother. The two of them will sit and play with toys, and I've been able to bring a few new toys out that have been in storage. I don't know that our house is big enough for all of this stuff! I do enjoy watching my boys play, and I can already see that they are going to be the best of friends!

Three years ago today I became a mother. Just two days before my due date I went into labor, and at 3:46pm I gave birth to my first son, Nicholas Kenneth. In the past three years I've watched you go from a smiling, giggly baby to the goofy little boy you are today. You are definitely a comedian- you are always trying (and are usually successful) to make us laugh. This past year you also became a big brother- and you are a wonderful, caring, and loving big brother. And of course, you can always get Erik to laugh!
You definitely love your sports. You love watching the games on TV, and in the fall you know that Sundays are football days. (And you sing along with the commercial- "Feelin' kinda Sunday...") You enjoyed watching AND going to the Phillies games, and I love hearing you scream HOME RUN! And this year Daddy brought you the Wings games to watch lacrosse. He tells me you sit there with your box of popcorn (your latest favorite snack) and would watch and cheer. And of course you love playing your sports, too. You love to play baseball most of all lately- whether you're just playing catch or hitting the ball. And you're already doing a great job of hitting a ball pitched to you.
There are so many other things you enjoy- you've learned how to ride your tricycle, you love putting puzzles together, and of course you love to play! In the summer you love going on the water slide at Grandmother and Grandfather's house, you love to bounce on the moon bounce at Nana and Opa's, and you will take any opportunity to go to the playground or play outside.
It has been such a wonderful three years watching you grow, learn, and discover. I can't wait to see what this year brings! Mommy loves you, Nicholas. Happy third birthday!
Last year I discovered that several of our local movie theatres had FREE or CHEAP kids movies. Yes, I said FREE! Can you really beat that price? Yes, the movies are not new releases, but most kids don't realize (or care) and they will watch the same movie over and over AND OVER again, right? (No, this is NOT coming from someone who has seen Cars more times than she can count!) Anyway, in my area the two main theatre companies that offer these movie programs are AMC and Regal.
AMC has the Summer Movie Camp, which has $1 movies on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM. They also have $3 Kids Packs which have a kid-sized drink, popcorn, and snack. All admission and concession proceeds go to charity- so you get cheap entertainment and contribute to a good cause!
Regal Entertainment Group has the Free Family Film Festival, which as the title says, is FREE, on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, also at 10 AM. Can't beat that price tag!
I've searched and found a few other theatre companies that are also offering various summer movie programs, including Cinemark and Rave Motion Pictures. Hopefully you can find a theatre near you and can enjoy a FREE (or cheap) movie with your kids this summer!

It was a pretty uneventful visit- in and out in under 30 minutes! He doesn't go back until August for his 9 month appointment.

At the end of the month my aunt & uncle are coming out to visit from MN. They're flying into BWI to visit with my parents and I know at some point will come up to see us here. They haven't seen Nicholas since he was 14 months old and they will get to meet Erik for the first time. It will be nice to have them here for Nicholas' party and to celebrate Ken's birthday as well.
Erik is also on the move now. He's been rolling all over the place for a few weeks now and this morning he started to Army crawl. I'm sure within a few weeks he'll be all over the place and crawling on all hands and knees.
Our schedule is getting filled ever so quickly. Birthday parties, bridal showers, baptisms, weddings, concerts... We haven't even picked a week for vacation yet!
So, that's what's going on around here. I hope to keep this updated (as well as my 365 blog, which needs to be updated in a BIG way!)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. We're glad Stellan is home from the hospital, and MckMama is starting up NMM again!

Well, I must say I DEFINITELY did not send my lovely husband on a trip to Wisconsin (to visit friends) and play the role of a single mother for five days. Nope! And because I am quite capable of handling both boys alone I certainly DID NOT drop Ken off at the airport and immediately drive two hours south to my parents' house! NOT ME!
While at my parents we decided to take the boys to the National Zoo. Started with a 45 minute car ride to the Metro in which Nicholas was excited about riding on the train, but once we got there Nicholas was ADAMANT that he was not riding. So, I certainly DID NOT convince him that we weren't riding the train, but instead we were just going on a subway car, in order to get him to calm down. Nope, NOT ME!
A few days pass, Ken comes home, and things get back to normal. By normal, I mean our regular laid back days. And by laid back I mean I really did not drag both boys to the Philadelphia Zoo at 11:00 in the morning to meet up with some online friends, walk around the zoo for four hours, take the long and scenic route home (during rush hour) so both would get a good nap, only to arrive home to pick up Ken so we could head out to the Phillies game. I mean, our days are laid back, so NOT ME!
Oh, and once we arrived at the Phillies game I guarantee you that I DID NOT leave the tickets in the car and only realize it once we got to the stadium...several blocks away. NOT ME!
So, that's what has NOT been going on here in a nutshell. I hope you share what you have NOT been up to as well!