Last night was Erik's first Phillies game! Yes, we start the kids out early with sports in this family. Nicholas was 6 months when he went to his first Flyers game and 14 months when he went to his first Phillies game. Erik was just shy of 4 months for his first Flyers game and now 6 months for the Phillies. They both love to go to the games, so it is enjoyable for the whole family!


The day was pretty busy. The boys and I had spent the early afternoon at the zoo, and I got them to nap in the car while I took the scenic route home. (Ok, not so scenic...but I drove through the city where there are traffic lights every 5 feet!) We picked up Ken and then his Mom Mom and headed down to the stadium. Ken made the mistake of giving me the tickets to hold- I was busy loading the stroller up with everything we needed. Of course once we walked the few blocks to the stadium I remembered that I put the tickets down in the back of the truck. OOPS!

We love Citizens Bank Park. Everyone working there is genuinely so nice. The man outside the gates gave each of the boys a Phanatic figurine. Kids also get certificates for their first game. How cool is that?!?

One of the best family friendly features of the park is the Phanatic Phun Zone. It is a big play area for the kids to enjoy before the game. It is actually open until the 7th inning (I believe) but shhh, don't let Nicholas know. He wanted to go back and play and we told him it was closed! He was able to run out a good bit of energy before the game though!


We ended leaving around the 7th inning. Nicholas was tired, and well- the Phils weren't playing all that great. They ended losing to the Nationals 4-1. We had a good time though. Here are some pictures from our evening!




R.I.P. Harry Kalas


I know I say it every month, but I can't believe it has been HALF a year since my little guy was born. I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

Erik has had quite an eventful month. He's got not ONE, but TWO teeth now! The first (his lower right) came through on Easter. I had NO idea he was even teething! On Good Friday he was a bit cranky and I felt that the tooth was close, and BAM...Sunday it was through! I can deal with that. And his second tooth broke through this past Friday, the 24th. No more gummy bear!


The day after his first tooth broke though *I* finally witnessed him roll from his back to his belly. He had been trying, and I think he had done it before, but I never saw it myself (so it doesn't count) until then. And the day after he rolled over, he said MAMA! Busy boy, I tell you!

We've also started experimenting with some foods. I wasn't planning on starting until 6 months, but when he grabbed the banana in my hand that I was peeling for his brother, I figured he was interested! So far he has enjoyed bananas, applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, and he's sampled squash...but we need to try that one again because he wasn't too fond of it the first go round.


And I know last month I mentioned Erik had found his piggy toes and started playing with them. Well, this month they found their way to his mouth! He always is chewing on his toes right before he gets in the bath and right when he gets out. It is too cute!


Erik goes sometime in May for his six month well baby visit, so I will update with his latest stats at that point. I'm sure he's around 19 pounds or so, and he's definitely getting long!

Here is a picture of Erik taken today at exactly 5:10 PM, 6 months to the minute of the moment he was born. I can't wait to see how much he grows in the next six months!

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Prayers for Stellan

The boys and I are all wearing orange today in support of Stellan. Please join us as we pray for him and the doctors who are performing his surgery, and for MckMama and the rest of the family.



We went to Ocean City, NJ again for Easter this year. We were excited because we wanted to take Nicholas to the Easter Egg Hunt on the beach on Saturday. Well, Saturday brought rain, wind, and cold weather! So they just handed out some eggs on the music pier. Luckily the weather was nice on Sunday and they were able to hold it then. They put 50,000 eggs on the beach, and the kids are divided into ages. Nicholas was in the 1-2 group, although he will be three next month, and does NOT look 2. He had fun- filled his buckets and got candy, little trinkets, and a few cool prizes- a free game of Miniature Golf, tickets for rides at the amusement pier, and a stuffed bunny that had a prize for Mommy & Daddy- a $100 gift certificate to a Bed and Breakfast! WOOHOO! Good job, Nicholas!

Ready for the Hunt-

Checking out the loot with Daddy-

Sunday morning Nicholas did have a hunt for eggs in the house. Here are a few pictures of him seeing his Easter Basket and hunting.

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And some family shots-

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Yes...more shoes! I love shoes, so of course I'm jumping at the opportunity to win another pair of shoes from Jack and Lily. The baseball ones are simply adorable, and would be perfect for Erik for this summer! To be able to win a pair yourself head on over to Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House and enter to win! If you win though and feel very generous you could always give them to Erik (baseball style, size 6-12 month)!

It was certainly a busy weekend around here! On Friday night we went to my in-laws for my mother-in-law's birthday. Lately Nicholas has started to understand the concept of birthdays. By that, he knows you get cake! So at the beginning of last week I had told him I bought his Nana's birthday present he asked if she would share her cake with him. And then he decided he wanted to make her cupcakes. Pirate cupcakes. Don't know where that came from, but we made pirate cupcakes. Ok, so they were really Funfetti cupcakes with pirate stickers attached to toothpicks, but that was acceptable to Nicholas!

Here are a few pictures from Friday night's celebration.

Nana & her grandsons (it is QUITE difficult to get everyone looking!)

The Pirate Cupcakes-

Then yesterday we headed back to my in-law's for my husband's grandmother's birthday. (I guess that would make her my grandmother-in-law, but that seems to be a mouthful!) Anyway, this was more of a surprise party. She thought she was just going out to dinner with her two kids and their spouses, but instead all of her grandchildren, their significant others, and her great grandsons were all there. As we were walking out the door to leave Nicholas got a bit upset that we hadn't made G- MomMom any cupcakes, but I assured him that Nana had bought her a cake.

It was a beautiful day- mid 60s and LOTS of sunshine! We were outside the entire afternoon, and some of the boys (Nicholas included) hopped in the hot tub. We really could not have planned for a more beautiful day!

These are a few shots from yesterday's celebration.


