Wow! I guess I disappeared off the face of the earth! That is what happens when life gets in the way, I suppose!

So, summer was wonderful. We spent a lot of time at Sesame Place, various playgrounds, the shore, and just having fun! September came, and Nicholas started his last year of preschool. He loves it, and I'm sure he'd be there every day if he could! We're fortunate to have a great program through the Rec Department and it makes it quite affordable as well. The kids learn a lot, have lots of fun field trips, and have a ton of in class activities.

In October Mr. Erik turned two! He had a Thomas the Tank celebration and we now own about a bazillion trains and tracks. Hey- it keeps two little boys happy and busy! Erik at his 2 year WCV was about 29 pounds and 36 a little above average, but a lot smaller than Nicholas was. Erik is now wearing clothes that Nicholas wore around 18 months of age.

November...well, we're still in November! Thanksgiving was wonderful. I love me some turkey! We put up our Christmas tree this past weekend as well and decorated outside. I should probably work on buying the kids some presents to put under that tree. Normally I've started at this point, but I think I only have 2 things so far! I'm slacking!

Well, hopefully I can keep up a little better. No promises, but I will try!

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