Last year I posted this blog about discounted summer movies. Well, it is that time again! Last year I never made it to any of the movies- I had an infant and the movies showing weren't exactly up Nicholas' alley. THIS year is a different story. There are a LOT of movies that Nicholas enjoys already, so I am hoping to take advantage.
The first theater in my area is AMC and their Summer Movie Camp. On Tuesday mornings throughout the summer (starting June 15 through August 10) for $1 (which is donated to charity) you can take your kids to see some great movies. Check the link for the complete list, but I know I want to take Nicholas to see Shrek the 3rd, Madagascar, and Kung Fu Panda. And for $4 you can purchase a KidsPack concession combo. With or without the snacks this is still a bargain! If you have one child you could go to all 9 movies this summer for under $20.
The next theater in my area is the Regal Entertainment Group. Their summer movie program is the Free Family Film Fest. As you probably guessed by the title- it is FREE! Regal has theaters in 37 states, so I hope there is one near you! The movies for the Free Family Film Fest vary by theater, so check yours to see what is available. These movies show on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and I know at the theaters near me they are showing some older, classic kids films- movies from MY childhood. Some of those are Muppets Take Manhattan and ET. The Free Family Film Fest starts this Tuesday, June 8!
Now, in my area there is not a participating Cinemark theater, but they offer the Summer Movie Clubhouse. Again, the movies vary by theater, but I saw titles such as Monsters Vs. Aliens, Surf's Up, and Madagascar 2. There are 10 weeks worth of movies and if you buy all ten shows in advance it is $5 (that's $0.50 a movie!) or they are $1 each at the door.
These movie options are a great way to spend a rainy day (or a SUPER HOT day) inside (with air-conditioning) on a budget! So, what movie do YOU want to see?
The first theater in my area is AMC and their Summer Movie Camp. On Tuesday mornings throughout the summer (starting June 15 through August 10) for $1 (which is donated to charity) you can take your kids to see some great movies. Check the link for the complete list, but I know I want to take Nicholas to see Shrek the 3rd, Madagascar, and Kung Fu Panda. And for $4 you can purchase a KidsPack concession combo. With or without the snacks this is still a bargain! If you have one child you could go to all 9 movies this summer for under $20.
The next theater in my area is the Regal Entertainment Group. Their summer movie program is the Free Family Film Fest. As you probably guessed by the title- it is FREE! Regal has theaters in 37 states, so I hope there is one near you! The movies for the Free Family Film Fest vary by theater, so check yours to see what is available. These movies show on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and I know at the theaters near me they are showing some older, classic kids films- movies from MY childhood. Some of those are Muppets Take Manhattan and ET. The Free Family Film Fest starts this Tuesday, June 8!
Now, in my area there is not a participating Cinemark theater, but they offer the Summer Movie Clubhouse. Again, the movies vary by theater, but I saw titles such as Monsters Vs. Aliens, Surf's Up, and Madagascar 2. There are 10 weeks worth of movies and if you buy all ten shows in advance it is $5 (that's $0.50 a movie!) or they are $1 each at the door.
These movie options are a great way to spend a rainy day (or a SUPER HOT day) inside (with air-conditioning) on a budget! So, what movie do YOU want to see?

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