I did not forget...I just needed a minute to post!
DRUMROLL PLEASE.................
And the winner, decided by random.org is #14- PAULETTE!
pblarr Says:
April 19, 2010 9:51 AM LOVE the "wine o'clock" towel ~ it MUST be time for a glass somewhere, right? awesome!Congrats, Paulette! I will get you in touch with Maureen so you can work out the details of your towel! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I LOVE mine! And thank you again, Maureen for making one of these GORGEOUS towels!
It has been brought to my attention (thanks, Mom) that I have no updated my most recent books I've read. I apologize!Book number thirteen was Midwives by Chris Bohjalian. This story is about a midwife who is put on trial after a patient of hers dies during childbirth. The midwife, wanting to save the life of the baby, performs an emergency cesarean section on the mother. The question is raised- was the mother actually dead, or did she die as a result of the surgery.
While I enjoyed the book and thought it was interesting, I also felt it moved very slowly and dragged on a bit long. I did enjoy that the story was told through the point of view of the midwife's daughter, as well as having excepts from the midwife's journal.
WHEW...it was been a LONG week. Two sick children + an out-of-town husband= One tired and stressed out Mommy! We all survived though, and both of the boys are feeling MUCH better!
Now, as promised- the details on this AWESOME, personalized towel I first introduced to you on Wordless Wednesday. This ROCKIN' towel was a gift from my wonderfully talented friend, Maureen from Maureen Makes It. She knows how much I LOVE coffee (I mean, who doesn't, really?) and surprised me with this towel for my kitchen. Little did she know I'm in the process of looking for new coffee decor for my kitchen...which means, I'll probably just pay her to make me some really cool stuff!Anyway, Maureen is SUPER talented, as I've already mentioned. She not only sews, but she has gorgeous hand-painted glasses, personalized wristlets, nap mats for toddlers, toddler backpacks, aprons- seriously, she can create something personalized for anyone! In fact, she has agreed to make a towel for one of my readers, so I am hosting my first giveaway! The winner will get to choose their coffee cup color and thread color for their name. This giveaway will end on Sunday, April 25 @ 6:00p Eastern.
Here is how to win!
*Check out Maureen's Etsy shop (Maureen Makes It) and in a comment tell me what your favorite item is. This must be done first for any additional entries to count!
For additional entries (please add new comment for each entry)
*Follow my blog AND become a follower of Maureen's blog *Tweet about the giveaway (you can Tweet once per day)
*Blog about the giveaway- be sure to send me the link
Good luck! I know you will love Maureen's work as much as I do!
We had a busy, fun-filled Easter weekend here!The fun started on Friday afternoon when we had a few friends over to help dye Easter eggs. It was a gorgeous day (highs close to 80!) and so we set up the egg dying station out in the backyard. We actually had bets as to how quickly it was going to turn disasterous and when the dye would start being spilled, knocked over, or drank. Much to our surprise all nine cups of dye remained upright and all five kids had a BLAST coloring eggs! They were upset that I hadn't hard boiled more! (Note to self: hard boil at least three dozen eggs next year, as this kept the children well occupied!)
And apparently after coloring eggs it makes five hungry children devour a five pound bowl of fruit in minutes!
Saturday morning Ken and I loaded the boys up in the car and headed to Ocean City for the day.
Sunday morning we woke up and the boys hunted for eggs around the house (no pictures...Mommy was still half asleep!) and checked out the loot in their baskets. Erik loved his Buzz Lightyear basket, while Nicholas was thrilled with his Star Wars basket. We quickly got ready and headed to church and then to Ken's parents for brunch and another egg hunt with their cousin. All the boys had fun and ended up with more loot! It was definitely a fun-filled weekend!
Oh, and the boys cute Peeps shirts are courtesy of my friend Faith of Sassy Kat Creations. You can find her on Facebook or Etsy!