I can't believe my little man is three months old today? Where has the time gone? He's getting so big already...I miss the itty bitty baby stage! I really can't complain though- he is SUCH a great baby. He sleeps through the night (generally anywhere from 8- 10.5 hours a night), is a content guy- only cries really when he is gassy, and is just a joy! If I could get a guarantee that every baby would be like he is, well...I think I'd have 10 of them!

Anyway, here is my happy guy!


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Just some pictures to share. Nothing super exciting here. The Eagles lost the NFC Championship game. No big surprise there. Sad, but not shocking. Hey, baseball season starts soon- that's what we're looking forward to!

The boys playing (Nicholas can't wait until Erik can REALLY play)


Erik in his sock monkey outfit


Mommy & Erik


Yes, this post will be a bit of a mommy brag, but hey...that's my job! All moms wait for their kids to hit their milestones. Well, I swear Erik came out of the womb smiling. He's just got an awesome personality like that. Well, yesterday he let out his first real laugh. It was so funny- Nicholas had just gone to bed and Ken and I were holding Erik and talking to him. He was smiling and cooing, and then he started to laugh. So Ken started to tickle him, which made him let out this big belly laugh! I wanted to run and grab the camera to get it on video, but I didn't want to miss a minute of it. So I will try to get it on video soon.

And if that one milestone wasn't enough, Mr. Erik decided today to roll over from belly to back. He was on his tummy for some tummy time (and picture taking) and all of a sudden he went from his belly and flipped to his back!


And onto his back

Here are some other pictures from today as well.

Brotherly love


Giraffe vs. Zebra

Where's Erik?

My little guy
Today Erik had his 2 month well baby visit. He is following in the footsteps of his big brother, that's for sure. He's a whopping 14 pounds 4 ounces and 24 inches long. (I think they said his head is 16, but I could be wrong!) So, another boy at the top of the charts! He's also got eczema like his big brother (and mommy & daddy). Poor kid...he's got all these awful dry, scaly patches! Hopefully once the warmer weather comes it will clear up like the rest of the family.

Other than that we go back in two more months!
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Nicholas has been into drawing and coloring lately. For Christmas he received a large drawing pad with crayons and an Aquadoodle wall pad. I am convinced that the Aquadoodle is the best invention for toddlers. No broken crayons around the house, no new colors on my walls, and the most mess it can make is a little water somewhere- no big deal. (However, just don't let an older child give your toddler a marker- Nicholas didn't quite 'get' that you can't use regular markers on the Aquadoodle!)

So, Nicholas has been drawing pictures for me lately. He likes drawing me hearts and smiley faces, but yesterday he drew some new pictures.

A camel (also featured on my 365 blog)

I'm not sure what these are, but he was having a great time.


