Well, ten months have come and passed! Erik is growing bigger every day! And I'm falling more and more in love with him every day!As of his doctor's appointment last week he is 22 pounds 11 ounces and 30.25"- a BIG boy! In this past month he has gotten a new tooth (on Sunday the 23rd, his bottom right lateral incisor), he waves, he claps, will do SO BIG, and has a few times taken 1-2 steps. Despite these few steps he much rather crawl!Erik is starting to enjoy more table foods and especially likes chicken and mixed vegetables. Oh, and courtesy of his older brother he has also sampled (and loved) french fries! He really likes almost every thing he's tried though, which is good...there are no picky eaters in this house!Since I haven't shared any new pictures in awhile, here are a few of my cutie pie!

I know...I'm SUCH a slacker! I'm trying NOT to give up on my 365 blog, but it is getting harder and harder to maintain. I'm hoping that I can get a few hours of time to catch up on the past 6 weeks. I don't know if I've even taken pictures every day, but if not...I will figure something out!Today was Erik's 9 month well baby visit. He's now 22 pounds 11 ounces and 30 1/4" long. BIG BOY INDEED! His 9 months stats are bigger than Nicholas', but Nicholas didn't grow much from 6 months to 9 months, and then from 9 months to a year he gained 4 pounds! So who knows how Erik will grow. He seems to be just steady, although he is 95 percentile for height and 85 percentile for weight.This weekend is a busy weekend for us. Tomorrow my nephew Michael turns ONE! I can't believe it has been a year already! Saturday is our annual block party. They're calling for rain and flooding (ACK...no FUN!) but I hope it holds off. And then Sunday is Michael's first birthday party. And next week we have friends coming into town from Wisconsin so it will be a busy weekend next weekend as well!Hopefully once summer is done I can dedicate more time to updating everything!
I'm here! I have not fallen off the face of the planet, I promise! Summer is just a busy time around here, and I have not updated my blog. (Even worse, I'm about a month behind updating my 365 blog! Maybe I'll work on that, too!) This summer has been full of birthday parties, bridal showers, baptisms, and a million other day-to-day activities!Around here we have been SO busy that we've only made one trip down to the Jersey Shore as a family. This weekend Nicholas is down there with Opa & Nana, but the rest of us are here at home. Ken is taking our pool down, while I work on ebay listings, and Erik...well, he will hang out and do his Erik thing. Which lately, because he is teething, is not much more that eating and sleeping. He's not a terrible teether- he just wants to eat and sleep. So he's taking about three naps a day and sleeping 12 hours at night. I can't really complain!So, as I mentioned, Ken is taking our pool down. You may ask...taking a pool down, in the middle of summer? Are you crazy? Well, yes, I am crazy- but for many other reasons! Anyway, we're taking our pool down because it takes up the entire backyard. Our yard is about the size of a postage stamp, or an above ground pool! Since we live in the city, and on a fairly busy street, it isn't safe for the boys to play out front. Not to mention our front yard is pretty much non-existant. The kids in the neighborhood play in the driveways and on the sidewalk, but there is no place for a swingset or play structure. So we are taking the pool down so we have a yard for the boys to play in. It is entirely fenced in, so it will be a safe place for them to play. I cannot wait!Well, that is just a bit of what is going on here. We have a wedding next week, followed by a bridal shower, and the following weekend brings two block parties and a birthday party. I think our weekend calendar is booked through January!