Yes folks, the queen still reigns! I'd like to introduce the newest member of our family- Erik Joseph. He was born on Monday, October 27, 2008 at 5:10pm, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, and 20 inches long.

I will update later with the entire birth story, but I am still in the hospital for now, and most likely will not be home until Saturday. We had some complications, but Erik is perfect and I'm on the road to recovery.

Here are a few pictures of Erik and our family-

I never thought I'd be posting that I was 41 weeks pregnant. It seems like a cruel joke. It should be illegal! Ok, really it isn't that bad, but I'm ready to be done.

Had a non-stress test this morning and fluid check. Baby has plenty of fluid. NST took a little longer because the bugger was sleeping. (They actually had to use a buzzer to stir him/her awake!) I'm apparently having contractions every 3-7 minutes...the nurse was surprised that I wasn't feeling them. (Out of the ones I had, I only felt one, and it was pretty mild.) So right now I just need these contractions to get stronger. My fingers are crossed this happens- I've actually felt quite a few contractions since I've left the hospital, and my lower back is starting to throb. I don't want back labor again, but at this point I just want to be holding my baby!

If this bugger doesn't show by Monday I have to call for bed availability for an induction. Not what I really want, so send good thoughts that I go into labor on my own.
On Saturday Ken and I took Nicholas to the pumpkin patch. The trip served a few purposes- to spend some quality time with Nicholas, to get me out of the house, and to try to induce labor. Well, two outta three ain't bad!

It was a GORGEOUS day, and Nicholas had a blast! He went down the big slide, checked out some farm animals, and of course rode behind the tractor to pick his pumpkins. He chose two- one for himself and one for his baby brother or sister. He was VERY proud of that. It was hard to get pictures where he was actually looking at me though- joys of a very active two year old!



Yup, I'm still here. I have a stubborn baby who has decided my womb is a comfy, cozy place to be. I'm 40w3d, and I had another appointment today. BP still looks great, I think I gained a pound, urine is good. Doc came in and I told him that I was not happy to see him, that he told me last week I was gonna have the baby. He laughed. I'm now 4cm dilated, still 80% effaced. He said he thinks I'll go in the next 48 hours...I told him I wasn't going to believe it until I saw my baby! I did have to schedule a NST and fluid check for Friday morning. Hopefully I won't have to though! When I was leaving I told the girls at the front desk that I was NOT scheduling an appointment for next week, because I didn't want to see them. They all laughed...I really just hope that I don't have to see them! I'm supposed to hear back tomorrow about what day next week my induction is scheduled for, since they won't let me go past 42 weeks. Please let this baby come before then...I REALLY don't wish to be induced.
Well, at long last the day has arrived. My "DUE" date. Obviously it is just an estimate, as this little one doesn't have any concept of time. However, I didn't think I'd still be pregnant at this point. I don't know why...I guess part of me assumed that since Nicholas came a few days early that this one would be here at least a few days early. Oh well...this babe obviously has other plans!

Today is also my brother's 28th birthday. He's spending it in Iraq...not exactly ideal. He did call me the other night and told me not to have the baby today, he didn't want to share his birthday. At this point it doesn't look like this baby is coming today, so I think he's safe. Tomorrow is Ken's aunt's birthday, and Sunday is Ken's sister's birthday. So there is still a possibility that this babe may be sharing a birthday- or the babe might hold out until next week for their own special day. I have an appointment sometime on Monday. I'd have to look and see when it is- I just took whatever appointment they gave me, figuring I wasn't going to need it. Who knows... I may need it after all!

Once I pull myself together for the day I'll try to post some updated belly pictures. My belly has reached the point where my skin is so stretched it hurts and itches. Not pleasant. And it is quite large. I don't remember being this big with Nicholas. I think it has appeared out of nowhere!
I had my 40 week appointment a few days early, but got to see my favorite doctor. I lost a pound, my BP was good, andbaby's HB was in the 150s. I'm now dilated to 3cm and 80% effaced. 3 down, 7 to go- WOOHOO! I let the doctor know I wasn't comfortable with the scheduled induction for next week (at 40w5d) and he was perfectly ok with it- said to come back in on Monday and we'll do a NST & BPP to just check on the baby, but he totally supported my decision to not be induced yet and said I can wait until the following week. Although he said he doesn't think I'll make it until this weekend, so we will see. I walked around Target last night for an hour and not one darn contraction!!! I'm 39w5d today, and that's when I had Nicholas, so I'm hoping for a repeat.
Ok, so I'm not technically 39 weeks until Friday, but my appointment was scheduled for today (38w5d). Baby was taking a nap, and did not like the fact that they were trying to check the heartbeat (140s) so s/he kicked the nurse a few times. My weight didn't change, blood pressure and urine were great. I'm now dilated to 2cm. Guess all those contractions Sunday night did something! 2 down, 8 to go!!! I saw the Physician Assistant today, and she said that she was sending my paperwork up to schedule an induction for between 40 and 41 weeks. Um...NO THANK YOU! I guess they don't realize that my baby doesn't have a calendar in there and is on his/her own schedule. I have an appontment next Tuesday (the 14th- FULL MOON!) with the doctor I really like, so I will let him know that I am refusing to be induced prior to 41 weeks- they can schedule it, but I'm not showing up. At 41 weeks we can revisit the topic, but I'm confident the baby will be here before then.

Oh, and since I didn't post a picture last week here is my 38 1/2 week pic!

Another boring appointment. It's sad when I spend 25 minutes driving to my appointment, 25 minutes driving home, and I'm in and out of the office in 15-20 minutes! Granted, it is a lot better than when I was waiting 30-60 minutes in the office just to be called back.

Anyway...my blood pressure is still great. I gained 1-2 pounds this week, which I fully blame Kenny for- he bought me a bag of Halloween candy knowing I can't resist! The baby's heartbeat was 150, and s/he is still head down. Doctor checked and I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, and he estimates the baby is currently 6 1/2 pounds. So I'm figuring the baby will be about the same size that Nicholas was (he was 7lbs 1oz), which makes me glad that I bought some preemie clothes this time around!

I go back on Wednesday for another appointment, unless of course the child decides to make an appearance before then. However, I'm 99.9% sure I'll be going to that appointment on Wednesday! My mom is coming on Tuesday and we're going to cook and freeze some meals for after I have the baby. I've already got some chili frozen, and I have plans to make baked ziti, some soup, and a bunch of homemade marinara.

Other than that I'm hanging in here! I actually feel pretty darn good most of the day- only at night is when I'm really hurting. The end is in sight though, so I'm trying to enjoy these final moments.
Nesting has begun to set in. On Sunday night after Nicholas fell asleep I decided to clean up the nursery a bit. See, a few weeks ago when we moved Nicholas from the nursery to his big boy room we had a lot of boxes and just STUFF in the spare room that needed to be relocated. So, they were relocated to the nursery. I moved suitcases and some boxes and some random stuff out of there, and then I decided I wanted to rearrange the furniture. And if that wasn't enough I felt that my bathroom needed to be thoroughly scrubbed from floor to ceiling. I didn't feel too bad after that, but on Monday I was paying for it with extreme exhaustion and contractions on and off for most of the day. Poor Nicholas must have known mommy didn't feel well, because he was content to just snuggle with me most of the day.

The nursery still needs to be completed. There are a few boxes that are still in there, and the crib mattress needs to be raised. Although I have time, since I know the baby won't be sleeping there any time soon. My cleaning spree has continued into the kitchen, with the exception of me doing a thorough cleaning of the hardwood floor. I'm saving that, since when I cleaned the hardwood floor during my nesting period with Nicholas I went into labor the next day. Call me superstitious, but I'm not quite ready for the baby- YET! Granted, if s/he decides it is time to come, so be it, but I want at least another week or two.

Tomorrow is my 38 week appointment. Nothing exciting, in my opinion. Another week gone by is all. Surprisingly, I am much more comfortable at this point with this pregnancy than I was with Nicholas. With Nicholas his butt was in my ribs and I was just very uncomfortable all the time. I'm still fairly comfortable about 90% of the time, which I feel very fortunate about. I'm able to breathe easily, no major rib pain (unless the little one moves into the wrong position for a moment), and the only real complaint is that I am getting full shortly after eating, so it seems I'm eating every 2 hours- because I am!

Well, enough blabbering for now. Off to vacuum and dust while Nicholas naps!